Photo Credit: lancefisher via Compfight cc
Happy holidays dear reader. Wherever this finds you, in whatever state, whatever weather & whatever form of celebration is yours this month.
Tis’ a day to chuckle, keep your head up & celebrate.
From the Carrot Life Lens™ I wish you ease & organization. From her sister the Mountain Life Lens™ I wish you perspective & heads up.
From the Heart Life Lens™ I wish you peacefulness. From her sister the Head Life Lens™ I sent you wisdom.
From the Go Life Lens™ I encourage you to seek adventure. From the Stop Life Lens™ I encourage you to find reflection.
And from the Destination Life Lens™ I wish you challenging goals that are still within your reach. And from her sister the Journey Life Lens™ I wish you ease of passage.
This video always makes me chuckle. Hope it does the same for you.
I’ve posted this video before on my Rock.Paper.Scissors blog.