Tag Archives: culture
Oh Canada- this one’s for you
(I originally posted this on my Rock.Paper.Scissors’s blog but thought, as it’s such a great example of perspective, I’d also post here. Please enjoy.) Even though I’m about as far away as you can get from Canada, without leaving the … Continue reading
Laying it bare – monthly round up of July Life Lenses™ blog posts
We’re laying it bare. Stripping it down. Peeling back perspective. In this monthly round up you’ll find the Life Lenses™ blog posts laid bare for the month of July. Get bare, dive in deep and take a full look around … Continue reading
Posted in All Life Lenses
Tagged algebra, carrot lens, creativity, culture, danielle laporte, greek, humour, latin, mountain lens, perspective, pie chart, public speaking, spanish, ted, terry moore, time, value
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Which way does your watch hand point? For a novel perspective on time, how about uphill
My good friend & colleague Melanda Schmid sent me a fascinating article about how time, for a tribe from Papua New Guinea, flows uphill. Yes, that’s uphill. Once thought to be universal, this “embodied cognition of time” is in fact … Continue reading
Where would you put your used kleenex & other odd perspectives
I was working at the United Nations today. A bit snuffly, I blew my nose & put the used kleenex on a dirty cup & saucer. A wait staff came over & angrily asked what ‘it’ (the kleenex) was. Surprised … Continue reading
Posted in All Life Lenses
Tagged culture, loosing perspective, perspective, united nations
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What we Canadians have to be proud of
Perspective comes & worldviews get enhanced when we bump up against ‘other.’ Finding similarities in ‘other’ makes us feel at home but it’s a risky business if we never venture out past our own doorstep. Here for your viewing pleasure … Continue reading
How do you experience your perspective, your life?
I spend a lot of time thinking about perspective. How do you see the world? How does it compare to how I see the same world? Our perspective is framed by our cultures, including our gender, age, socio-economic background, sexual … Continue reading
Culture (& other cultural perspectives) is not a crime
It’s not a crime to: wonder if wonder how look at things through another perspective try on a new pair of lenses try to understand another culture or another worldview (knowing you’ll be viewing it from the perspective of your … Continue reading
How do you cross the street? Depends on your perspective
What could be easier than moving from one side of the street to the other? Look left Look right When there’s no oncoming traffic, cross the street Right? Not so fast. Crossing the street, like many other daily rituals in … Continue reading