Wise words from the wise & adorable Fred Rogers.
What do you think of when you think of play?
A Mountain Life Lens™ might think of the big picture / how to relax on the whole, while a Carrot Life Lens™ might think of specific things to do.
A Head Life Lens™ might ponder the practicalities of play while a Heart Life Lens™ may focus on how they want to feel.
A Journey Life Lens’™ attention may be focused on, well, the journey, while a Destination Life Lens™ would see the goal of play as important.
A Go Life Lens™ may ask, ‘what are we waiting for, let’s play!,’ while a Stop Life Lens™ may say, ‘hang on, let’s think about this for a minute.’
It’s a matter of perspective. What’s yours? Play around with it.
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