Everyone smiles in the same language

smileLife Lenses™ is all about building bridges across different perspectives. Bringing appreciation to ‘other,’ to ‘different.’

Frequently, when conflict is rife, when tempers are hot, when differences are many, when time is short and resources are low, differences can be the only thing on our radar.

While differences are vital, in fact it’s what makes our world hum & zing along, so are similarities.

It’s important to focus on differences that make a difference AND similarities that are significant.

So what’s significant? How about a smile to start. For after all, everyone smiles in the same language.

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2 Responses to Everyone smiles in the same language

  1. This post was one I developed for my Facebook page “Trying God’s Patience” and my blog http://www.tryinggodspatience.com

  2. Lee-Anne Ragan says:

    What a great blog Sue. Thanks for sharing your link. Lovely, evocative writing.

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