The invitation caught my attention, perked my digits to respond. It was a call to journey, journey to the heart. It came via email:
How are you stepping into your shero’s journey these days?
Warts, challenges, glories, uncertainties, holy visions – all welcome! Today, current, right now – that’s what I’m interested in.
What do I mean by s-hero’s journey? How you are claiming your power, trusting it, and use it to transform the world right now?
How you are responding – through your work or spiritual practice or relationships – to the current crisis in the world?
I know many of you have devoted your life to this work – but what’s current, what’s real, what’s happening for you right now? Feeding the hummingbirds, starting a movement, giving a TED talk, whatever.. give other women a glimpse.
The way you stepping up may be very small, cracked, imperfect- perfect!!
The She’ros journey is a compilation of the responses to the magnificent Jen Louden’s invitation (check out yours truly’s contribution on page 15 and Dyana Valentine’s on page 7).
Is it different than the Hero’s journey?
You be the judge.
thank you so much for including me, Lee-Anne:) Great to be on this journey with you.
Here here Dyana. A journey indeed!
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