When we’re in conflict we can do more … more of whatever it is that isn’t resolving the conflict. Talk more. Say the same thing. In the same way. Louder.
More of the same.
The same perspective.
Perspective can be illuminating. Perspective can be blinding. It can make us feel like we’re the centre of the universe.
When we’re stressed, overwhelmed, tired, cranky, confused and/or conflicted our perspective can seem right, normal, natural and what’s more, the perspective that everyone else should share (insert expletive here).
Here’s a little something to put it all, well, to put it all into perspective.
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wow–this is gooood. I love the size video–reminds me of a boyfriend who used to call me Jupiter. Hmmm.
I love this perspective. Went to a workshop last weekend and one of the memorable quotes was:
“when under duress, we revert to our level of preparation”
add that to your post and you get something like:
“when in conflict, we revert to our level of perspective” (whether that’s at our edges of mountain, carrot, journey, etc.)
Thanks, again, Lee-Anne, for being a practical provocateur.
Hey Jupiter, thanks for your comments- especially like the quote about duress reverting us to our level of preparation & conflict reverting us to our base perspective. Ironic that when in conflict, when we most need a healthy, expansive perspective, can be the time our perspective clamps down and narrows.
Happy to be a practical provocateur!